The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show was an animated television series featuring characters and storylines from the Charles M. Schulz comic strip Peanuts. It aired Saturday mornings on the CBS network from 1983 to 1985.
I love your site and I have really enjoyed looking through it. I watched so many of the shows that you discuss. Those shows were really great... from the cartoons to the sit-coms to the dramas... it was all great stuff.
I actually have a blog that discusses all things '70s that you might like. Come take a look-see! I wrote a book all about growing up in the '70s, too.
I think the '70s were great and I love hooking up with others who feel the same way! I'll be following your blog!
Hi -
ReplyDeleteI love your site and I have really enjoyed looking through it. I watched so many of the shows that you discuss. Those shows were really great... from the cartoons to the sit-coms to the dramas... it was all great stuff.
I actually have a blog that discusses all things '70s that you might like. Come take a look-see! I wrote a book all about growing up in the '70s, too.
I think the '70s were great and I love hooking up with others who feel the same way! I'll be following your blog!
Long Live the '70s!
Miss this show terribly!