The show focuses on the employees of the fictional Sunshine Cab Company, and its principal setting is the company's fleet garage in Lower Manhattan. The Sunshine Cab's drivers include Alex Rieger, Elaine Nardo, Tony Banta, Bobby Wheeler and 'Reverend Jim' Ignatowski. Other characters include Latka and Simka Dahblitz-Gravas. He is an immigrant from a very strange land, often speaking in his invented foreign tongue ("ibi da", "nik nik"). He works as a mechanic, fixing the taxis. She is from the same country as Latka. They belong to different ethnic groups which traditionally detest each other, but they fall in love and eventually get married. She is much more assertive than her husband, often standing up to Louie for him.
I used to love this show. It has one of the best theme songs ever.