Monday, April 19, 2010


Bewitched was a television sitcom which aired on ABC from 1964 to 1972. It is about a witch who marries a mortal and tries to lead the life of a typical suburban housewife.

A young-looking witch named Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) meets and marries a mortal named Darrin Stephens (originally Dick York, later Dick Sargent). While Samantha pledges to forsake her powers and become a typical suburban housewife, her magical family disapproves of the mixed marriage and frequently interferes in the couple's lives. Episodes often begin with Darrin becoming the victim of a spell, the effects of which wreak havoc with mortals such as his boss, clients, parents, and neighbors. By the epilogue, however, Darrin and Samantha most often embrace and confound the devious elements that failed to separate them.

Bewitched Intro with Dick York

Bewitched Intro with Dick Sargent

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